In a marketplace filled with too many stores selling the same or similar merchandise, being distinctive is as important as it gets. We made the conscious decision to stock the Outpost with a selection of items that are unique, affordable, and relevant to us… and more importantly to you.


Constant change is our strategy at the Outpost. New features, merchandise, displays every week keeps our store fresh and interesting.

Here’s a new addition: boots from the exclusive Dark Forrest Collection by our homies at Vane and Sebago.

And these insanely soft crewneck and full-zip sweatshirts from Nautical Schmautical-

Here’s a peek at one of our vintage racks. Every week the assortment of vintage items at the Outpost is completely switched out. In the past month the store has become a destination for collectors, bargain hunters, buyers from other stores, even designers from major fashion houses looking to pick up reference pieces.111206_3209.jpg

Part of the reason there’s something new to explore every day at the Outpost is because we have great buyers. Haley and her boyfriend for example who just dropped off a delivery of insanely cool vintage flannels.