The REASON for it all. The best and the brightest from all walks of fashion come here be inspired and pick through reference garments. Quality American workwear at its finest. A t-shirt here will easily run you $300 EUR.


Last piece of ramen porn. I promise.


Unfortunately I forget his name but this guy runs the single best vintage t-shirt shirt shop in all of Japan and maybe he world. He spends six months of the year traveling through the United States looking for only the most rare, interesting, coolest shirts to bring back home and sell at his shop for what he himself says are “extremely crazy high prices… even for the Japanese”.


Harajuku. Practically every fashion conscious person in Tokyo, regardless of age or social standing gets dressed up and hits the streets of Harajuku on the weekends to show off their latest looks.


Even in black and white you have to appreciate these outfits. These people aren’t reading to find out whats hot this season in fact it’s the other way around. The streets here are cluttered with photographers, stylists, and fashion types snapping pics just like me to take home and post up in mood boards around the world. Awe inspiring.


I threw this one in just because I love monkeys, but hey, maybe somewhere theres gonna be a monkey in one of the runway shows next year. Who knows, right?


A transition from whats ahead to what’s passed. Bape Kids store. and the nearby BapeSta flagship. Stale. Empty. Depressing, and a little eerie. Tried searching for the nearby Bape Cafe but it’s closed. On to the next one.
