Last night I went to go check out the premier of a new television show called The Fuzz at the TriBeCa Cinemas. The creators at Looseworld and Waverly Films describe the series as The Wire meets Sesame Street, and that’s exactly right. Delinquent muppets smoking crack, prostituting themselves, and just about everything in between…. It’s one of those things where you walk out of the theatre scratching your head asking yourself how you didn’t think of the idea yourself.


I just realized how spot on the resemblance between Skyler and the muppet in the first picture is.


That’s Jon Benjamin, one of the stars of the show, on the left below. I just realized he plays the voice of Coach McGuirk on Home Movies. For the record, Home Movies is the best TV show of all time.


… Aaaand cut to me spending an hour in bed on the FAO Schwarz website building a muppet that looks like me. The full premier episode goes live for viewing later tonight here on The Fuzz’s official website.
