A few months back our friend Laura-Lesley Lyons pitched us a unique idea to finance a film entitled ‘What Happened To Sarah’. Her concept was to fund a film entirely with private donations. Friends and family would be urged to get involved, and after donating, people would be gifted items such as limited edition Go Love Your Own City T-shirt and Tote bag packages, or original artwork, and DVD’s of the film. The concept of the film was great, and three months later, What Happened To Sarah is now only $10,000 away from their $35,000 goal. View more info about the film, including the trailer below, and get involved.


Based on a true story, What Happened To Sarah, depicts the journey of four city kids as they strive to understand the tragic death of one of their own. Ripped from the security of youthful invincibility into the shock of their new reality, the film explores the nature of grief and adolescent uncertainty in the face of the ultimate question: Where do we go from here?

During the filming of a graffiti documentary, an unexpected tragedy leads to a shift in focus for a tight-knit group of friends.The majority of the people in this film are not actors, but real legends and their successors of the Lower East Side. They have learned, lived, loved and lost here. Though the people have changed, their hardships and triumphs remain universal. Featuring downtown NYC personalities like Shaun RFC & Charlie Hustle of the infamous graffiti crew the Peter Pan Posse, DJ Jes Leppard, and party promoter, PJ Monte, this is a film about right now.

In order to get this movie made, we are asking our friends, family, and Helsinki City culture buffs to get involved! We’ve got some great, fun incentives donated by cast members, other supporters, and a limited edition T-shirt collaboration with the infamous boys of Reason Clothing, Phil and Jon. Help us share our story!
Follow the project on twitter! @WhatHappenedNYC

